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UPI Lacrosse Initiative

At every level, lacrosse is the country's fastest growing sport. However, the participation of African-American boys is well below representative. North Carolina and the research triangle in particular has a robust lacrosse community, but little participation from African-American boys or schools with large African-American populations. Lacrosse provides another opportunity for boys to participate in wholesome physical activity, build relationships, skills and habits to become successful students. Significant benefits for exceptionally skilled players include potential educational opportunities at some of the country's most acclaimed college preparatory schools and universities. This partnership between UPI, Beta Phi Chapter, the Mighty Sixth District, USA Lacrosse and Nation United Lacrosse will introduce over 200 boys between ages 8-14 and then provide access to low-cost equipment and training opportunities to boys in the Durham, Orange and Person county areas.

Uplift Project, Inc. | Preparing Today For Tomorrow's Success | Lacrosse

Upcoming Events

Event Date Location
USA Lacrosse Trylax Clinic
6th District Boys Camp
7/16/2024 WSSU
UPI/Beta Phi LAX Clinic TBD Durham, NC

USA Lacrosse Trylax Clinic at the 6th District Boys Camp

Uplift Project, Inc. | Preparing Today For Tomorrow's Success | Lacrosse

Our partnership will kick-off at the 2024 6th District Boys Camp. In collaboration with USA Lacrosse, we will host a lacrosse clinic at the Boys Camp. USA Lacrosse will provide equipment and coaching. The 6th District will provide volunteers. Upon completion of the clinic, the campers will be provided with a code that gives them access to heavily discounted equipment.

Sixth District Boys Camp